New Backgrounds to Refresh Your Zoom Game

Bring some public art to your next virtual meeting.

People are slowly, cautiously returning to the office as the pandemic (hopefully) recedes, but virtual meetings are here to stay. Keep your little rectangle fresh by bringing some public art to your next meeting. We’ve got you covered with a new selection from our 2021 public art projects. Click the photos below to enlarge, then right click to download.

View our previous selections of Zoom backgrounds here and here.

“Follow Your Heart” x Mark Wholey

“Hope” x Joanna Vespia

“Love is a Many-Gendered Thing” x Brian Kenny

“Ode to Artist in Spraypaint” x Kendel Joseph

“Plat 28” x Greg Was Here

“Salt Water” x Garden of Journey

“Derailed” x Mike DeAngelo

“Earth Arch” x Joe Chirchirillo

“Ruins” x Heather Annis


“Sail Dream” x Eric Camiel