3D Residents’ Project Diary: Week 2
Bonnie and Jen have some Green Drinks and White Electric Coffee as Operation #recyCLEAN continues
Operation #recyCLEAN popped up at Impact Everything in Providence during Providence Green Drinks on March 21. Social Enterprise Greenhouse hosted Jen Long’s Whale Guitar Project and two guest musicians for its monthly gathering of environmentalists. The event gave 3D Residents Jen and Bonnie the opportunity to give an update on Operation #recyCLEAN and garner more supporters for the project leading up to the installation of a new public art project in May. It also gave Jen and Bonnie the chance to say thanks again to Crystal Rosatti for hosting Providence Green Drinks at The Avenue Concept last September, and to say farewell to her, as she leaves Providence at the end of the month.
The following day, Jen and Bonnie met up at White Electric Coffee (their favorite spot to meet before The Avenue Concept opens up) to start outreach for World Oceans Day, coming up on Saturday, June 8. World Oceans Day coincides with PVD Fest this year and provides the opportunity to look into creating a float to participate in the parade. Some fabulous ideas were “floating” around the workshop as they discussed the idea with their Avenue Concept 3D Program Manager Brian Dowling. They also scheduled a meeting at Rhode Island Resource Recovery in early April to discuss the afterlife of the materials used in the sculpture. Stay tuned for a report on that exciting adventure.
Did you know that National Volunteer Week is coming up, April 7 to 13?
Would you like the opportunity to help create this work of public art by working behind the scenes to prep the materials? Perhaps you belong to a community group or could engage some fellow coworkers in a day of service? Help is needed to prepare the 30 cubic yards of plastic jugs and sacks of spent bicycle inner tubes collected for the project. By volunteering, your hands will become part of the art installation coming to Providence this spring!
Your volunteer time is valuable to The Avenue Concept. Did you know the current national value of a volunteer is $24.69 per hour? The Avenue Concept is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and volunteer time is an additional way to support it. To learn more about the volunteer opportunities, reach out to recycle@TheAvenueConcept.com or call 401-490-0929 and ask for Brian Dowling.
If you’re looking for additional an incentive to volunteer, check out Cabot’s Reward Volunteers program. By creating a profile and logging your volunteer time, you become eligible for some pretty cool prizes from Cabot and its partners. And by crediting your volunteer time with The Avenue Concept, it becomes eligible for some cash rewards! Visit RewardVolunteers.coop to learn more.